I was rearranging the ironing pile yesterday when I came across two perfect little white orbs.
Now I've seen a few strange things in my time in Australia but nothing like this. So, like the curious fool I am, I picked them up! (Well they LOOKED harmless!) At first I thought they were tiny white pebbles but then I was struck by their symmetrical perfection and that's when it occurred to me that they might be "organic"... So, I tried to squish them. Why I did this - I have absolutely no idea! Because the possible ick factor was high - very high! But they didn't give, so I examined them again. I was impressed - they were hardy little things - whatever they were.
La-la came into the room and saw that I was looking at something in my hand.
"Whatchya got there, mother?" she asked.
I showed her what I'd found and, her being the National Geographic / Discovery Channel eco warrior, animal loving princess that she is, I was pretty sure she'd know. She scrunched up her face.
"Hmmmm... eggs," she said, "definitely some type of egg but what type of egg - that is the question."
I looked at her, not quite sure now about holding something in my hands that had the distinct possibility of a creature hatching out of it!
"Well what do you think?" I asked, just a hint of panic in my voice now.
"Could be cockroach," she replied.
She said something else too but I didn't hear it. I'd heard the word "cockroach" and that was it! With my hand stretched out in front of me as far as it would possibly go - without actually dislocating my shoulder - I ran down the hallway. I may even have been screeching and ughing - yes that's now officially a word! I reached the back door and wrenched it open. With one final, "Ugh!" I flung those babies as far as they would possibly go!
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Gecko Eggs |
La-la came into the room and saw that I was looking at something in my hand.
"Whatchya got there, mother?" she asked.
I showed her what I'd found and, her being the National Geographic / Discovery Channel eco warrior, animal loving princess that she is, I was pretty sure she'd know. She scrunched up her face.
"Hmmmm... eggs," she said, "definitely some type of egg but what type of egg - that is the question."
I looked at her, not quite sure now about holding something in my hands that had the distinct possibility of a creature hatching out of it!
"Well what do you think?" I asked, just a hint of panic in my voice now.
"Could be cockroach," she replied.
She said something else too but I didn't hear it. I'd heard the word "cockroach" and that was it! With my hand stretched out in front of me as far as it would possibly go - without actually dislocating my shoulder - I ran down the hallway. I may even have been screeching and ughing - yes that's now officially a word! I reached the back door and wrenched it open. With one final, "Ugh!" I flung those babies as far as they would possibly go!
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Ugh! |
I turned around to find a disgusted animal lover looking at me with a shocked look on her face.
"Or gecko eggs," she said, "they just might have been gecko eggs! But I don't suppose we'll ever find out now."
I narrowed my eyes to slits.
"You said the cockroach word," I informed her, "you know what even just the mention of those vile things does to me!"
"Humph! She announced, "I'm going to get the ipad now and find out exactly what poor creatures you have thrown into the wind!"
By the time I had sufficiently recovered and joined the rest of my family upstairs, the general conclusion was that they must have been spider eggs - like giant spider eggs! Visions of waking up during the night to a super-sized Huntsman on my face looking for revenge for her babies sent a shiver down my spine. I was secretly planning on moving out when Big Daddy whispered in my ear, "we're only having you on, you're okay, they're not giant spider eggs."
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One of The "Locals"! The "Giant" Huntsman Spider Ugh! |
A snake! I thought to myself, that bastard knows they're snake eggs!
I called La-la over.
"Is there a chance those eggs were snake eggs?"
She ponders my question.
"There's a possibility..."
"Sweet Jesus!!" I exclaim. I now had visions of a mama snake sinking her fangs into me in the middle of the night (cuz everything horrid happens in the middle of the night!) in retribution for throwing her babies away. At this stage I was moving out and taking MY babies with me.
"But more than likely gecko eggs," La-la reassured me.
I located the ipad and stabbed the words, "gecko eggs" into the google search engine.
I sighed with relief when images of the perfect little orbs I'd held in my hands appeared on the screen. A revenge seeking gecko, I could deal with.
Only thing is, I betchya any money it's supposed to be lucky to find gecko eggs and I've probably gone and thrown it away! Ah well at least I can stop worrying about being poisoned to death by a snake or giant spider in my bed - if I can avoid that, then I'll count myself lucky enough!
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